So far BTBE is run solely off of funding from school fees. With small start-up numbers and such an individualised approach to learning our current fees barely cover our operating costs, yet are still out of reach for many families on the island. Where we have managed to offer partial scholarships to students it is still not enough and we have a long list of students who are in desperate need of the kind of education we are offering. It is our goal to decrease fees as our enrollment numbers rise.
We owe a heartfelt thank you to Bank of Montreal (BMO) Reinsurance Barbados for providing us with our first ever corporate scholarship. This year the BMO scholarship was awarded to a student that showed promise within the arts. We are happy to report that it went to a very deserving student, who has confirmed that they are happier at BTBE than they have been in any other school.
We would like to extend a grateful thank you to RBC Capital Markets for their generous donation to BTBE. It has enabled us to open our doors even wider and we are most appreciative for the difference it has made to the school.
A big thank you goes out to London Life and Casualty (Barbados) Corporation for the donation to the school which is being utilised to its full potential.
Thank you to Cheffette Restaurants Limited for your kind donation that has helped BTBE this school year. It is more than appreciated!
If you want to find out more about how you can help in any way please contact us!